
Brands and Retailers – Sign up for our E-Learning Course and Start Your Responsible Purchasing Journey Today

“When we were considering organizations to partner with to develop a Responsible Purchasing Practices eLearning training, Better Buying Institute was at the top of our list given their work in this ‘space,’ and the training that BBI developed is reflective of that expertise.” — Selcuk Buyukozer, VP Social & Environmental Affairs (SEA) Americas, adidas.


“Social and environmental responsibility strategies must include responsible purchasing practices. Patagonia is delighted to have contributed to the development of this new course, which is accessible, interactive, and informed by Better Buying’s unique, independent research expertise and supplier data. It’s suitable for those at a brand or retail company and will be invaluable to those looking to embed responsible purchasing within their broader strategies and practices.” — Wendy Savage, Director, Social Responsibility and Traceability, Patagonia.


  • Developed with leading brands 
  • Special discounts for Better BuyingTMsubscribers
  • Train individual teams or your whole company

A Quick Guide to The Five Principles of Responsible Purchasing

Better Buying Institute now offers E-Learning for brands and retailers looking to embed responsible purchasing practices across their supply chains.

The course, which is based on our Five Principles of Responsible Purchasing, is the first to be offered by Better Buying Institute. It builds on our unique, independent research, supplier data and insights, and has been developed with some of our leading brand subscribers.

Better Buying’s E-Learning is suitable for everyone in a brand or retailer company, as well as a wide range of associated professionals and groups looking to gain a better understanding of responsible purchasing. Available in an interactive format, it can be accessed from anywhere, and at any time, and includes an informational video together with a case study and knowledge checks which enable participants to recap, and apply what they’ve learned and for companies to track employee completion and scoring.

What will you learn?
  • How stakeholder pressures, company commitments, and internal policies are pushing brands and retailers to improve purchasing practices
  • You will look in detail at each of the Five Principles of Responsible Purchasing for ideas about better practices and learn how breaking the Principles impacts suppliers, workers, the environment, and your own company
  • Through the exploration of each Principle and a case study, you will start to identify ways that you and your colleagues can work together to identify new processes that better support improved purchasing practices.
Who is it for?

The course takes a whole company approach to responsible purchasing and is relevant to multiple job functions and departments within a brand or retailer company, including: Buying, Merchandisming, Design, Product Development, Sourcing, Marketing, CSR/Sustainability, Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, C-Suite.

Relevant industry sectors include: Apparel, Footwear, Softgoods, Hardgoods, Homegoods.

The content is also relevant to other, related stakeholders and professions, including: Labour inspectors: Auditors, Manufacturing groups and associations, Logistics and Distribution, Students at colleges and universities offering fashion design, buying and merchandising courses.

The Five Principles of Responsible Purchasing is part of an initial training offer developed with feedback from Better Work. To find out more and sign up for the course, please contact Leonie Abraham, Vice President of Business Development at Better Buying.

Further Resources

Better Work offers interactive foundational E-training to help participants better understand supply chain dynamics and how purchasing practices influence working conditions. Find out more here.