
NEWS RELEASE: WE NEED YOUR DATA! Better Buying Partnership IndexTM open for supplier ratings through October

The Better Buying Partnership IndexTM (BBPI) opens for supplier ratings today – and is open throughout October!

SUPPLIERS! Are your brand and retailer customers True Partners, Collaborators, or Detractors to your business? Do their purchasing practices impact on your business, and your ability to provide decent work, and pay living wages?

Then we need to hear from you. The Better Buying Partnership IndexTM is a short, simple survey that takes only 10 minutes to complete for each of your brand and retailer customers. It’s completely anonymous, so your business relationships will always be protected. And the feedback you provide will help Better BuyingTM to identify key trends and problems affecting suppliers, so we can feed that back to buyer companies and make recommendations on how they can improve. Because Better BuyingTM is Better Business. For everyone.

The survey opens today and you can submit your ratings throughout October.

The BBPI also provides the purchasing practices metric for The Industry We Want, a multi-stakeholder initiative that envisages a garment and footwear industry that realizes its potential to ensure dignity for workers in decent jobs, thriving businesses along the supply chain, and a positive impact on the planet.